
Forever gone~my cat named GalGal died because a car bang on her. I do not know which car, what time it happened and how it happened. When bout 10.30pm like that, I bring her down. As usual she like to go out ronda-ronda until midnight only she will come home. So after I saw her 'husband' I let her go out with him and I went back home. Before I went up I stil tell her that you must be careful, you must see before you cross the road. But she ended up being bang by someone at the side of the road.
It all happened when I wanna go in my kitchen to keep her breakfast for tomorrow into the fridge. My malay neighbour came to my house and tell me outside my corridor that "Do you let your cat out?" Then I reply "yes". After a few second she told me that "Your cat GalGal like bang down by a car beside the road side over the other block." So I stand there for a few minutes I do not know what to do and my heart is so shock when I heard the news. I took my slipper and ran down faster to the place that the lady mention. I saw my GalGal laying on the road side motionless. My tears come out uncontrolable. My mom also cry out after I cry out. Her whole body is blood and the place that she lay all is blood. I quickly take a box from the rubbish bin there and put her in and take her home.
As soon as I reach home, my brother came out from the house and asked me what happened. That time I cant stop crying and I told him GalGal already died. He walked out and look at her and my tears keep flowing out non stop then I quickly grab my phone and make call to Jean. We all meet GalGal for the very last time and my mom cover her with towel and put her in a box and we took her body to the garden opposite my house and 'tanam' her there.
We put her necklace with her together and we pray for her. I hope she rest in peace and having a good life in heaven now. All thought the time that we spend together is less, but the feeling between me and her is so deep. She like to stick with me all the time as I bring her go down do her business and wait her to deliver her babies, feed her and also play with her. She very manja and she like me kiss her forehead. When I was walking toward the place, my hearts hope that she still alive and have minor injuries at leg or somewhere else I hope that she is not dead but there is no hope when I saw her laying motionless on the floor. All of her life that staying with me for about 1year plus now turn to memories a memory that I will never forget forever. A piece of memories that I will kept with me along my life. I will remember the dated which is 11th of June 2009 GalGal finally left me and go back to God. She left me in a very painful way. I got no mood now totally no mood. Now is 3am in the morning. Tomorrow I am having class at 10am but I really cant sleep. Forever I wont meet her again when I am back from uni and forever I got no chance to kiss her anymore. I am not going to heard her MEOW~ loudly anymore when everytime she reach home she called us to open the door. This time she really wont come home anymore. My GalGal left me forever~ Her face stil very fresh in my mind I wont forget how she asked for food from me and how she manja with me.
oh dear... I'm sorry to hear your lost. May GalGal's soul rest in peace in the hands of the lord. *hugs*