Haha..long time did not do blogging because I am very busy with all my stuff. Between my album coming out soon I think bout next week. I am waiting for it. I am so excited cause it is so beautiful after I see the design I fall in love with myself already. However, the album photo would not be upload here maybe just few piece but not all. Will upload to facebook ^^
Below is the photo of my SunBear and Ronnie. The cat with brown coat is Hazel belongs to Mak Cik Sue...=)

SunBear bullying Hazel girl.

Ronnie with the alien cover because he got injure at the backside. The cover is to prevent him to bite his backside.

Wahahaha...round like a ball!

Nice and Handsome. Nor wonder Hazel girl like my SunBear!

Kesian punya Ronnie after put medicine. He angry at us because we put iodine for him.
I miss my Lucky same as ur Ronnie..He left me when he got sick..infection on his eye.. haiz.. Saw ur photos remind me the sweet memory we got together..Hope that I get another dog Pincer like ur Ronnie.. if there is please inform me.. Thank You !!