Today, my brother told me that his friend’s female dog gives birth to 7 puppies! WOW! I am so excited because I really like animals. As long are mammals I will want to see them. I would like to know how their look is. People said curiosity kills the cat. This is me! Therefore, I told my brother after finishes teach tuition we go to Jolyn house and take a look on those puppies. Those are cute creature of GOD. They are so good to have a shelter and it is warm and sweet with the family that loves dogs a lot. I pity those strays’ dogs and cats that need to find foods and shelter for themselves when it is rain they will get wet if they do not have a place to hide.
When I reach her house, her dog Odie give me a warm welcome. I love Odie so much! He is so fat and cute. Lexie is very clever. She gives birth to seven puppies by herself! The first time she experiences it by herself without any help from the family. Her dad amd mom also came out from the house and welcomes us. I brought dog bones for both of the dogs and milk for Lexie. I even clean the place for her and let Lexie have a nice place to sleep and do her feedings. Those little ones are so cute and it is fat. For me they are very easy to handle because they very plum and won’t feel like too soft. Last time GalGal kittens more soft and small. Odie and Lexie are very lucky; they have a great family members and big house for them.
Let’s say a little prayer to all of the animals in the world:
Dear Mighty God, I am praying here for those animals around the world which are suffering from sickness, hungry, and homeless. I hope that you will heal them and let them have a wonderful life Lord. I hope that every animals that born to the world are most welcome from the people of the earth and I hope that they will have good life Lord. Lord, please lessen their suffering and also their sickness. Lord, please let all the human know that abundance their pets are wrong and please let them know that abuse animals is a sin. I put all those little ones into your hand Lord. Please let them have a good and healthy life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
“Heal the world, make it a better place!”
These are my love toward all the animals nor matter it is small or big in size. They should have a good life and human being should stop abuse them. If you do not think that you are a responsible person, please do not rare pets, because you will ruin their life. Hope those 7 puppies will have a good and healthy life and also got a good owner. ^^

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